06 мар 2019
Оружейная выставка SHOT Show 2019. Часть III. Основная Оружейная экспозиция. Лас-Вегас, 25.01.2019
Михаил Дегтярёв
Марс К
Пару уточнений:43:25 - стенд WASR и PSL - Румыния (в Югославию не входила)44:12 - C39v2 BladePaired with the Shockwave BladeTM stabilizing brace, the C39v2 AK pistol presents a trim, compact package that will excel at a number of tasks both on and off the range. The Shockwave BladeTM stabilizing brace is made from high-strength glass reinforced polymer and manufactured to exacting tolerances. Quick and easy to install, it is mounted to the C39v2 AK pistol using Century Arms’ new buffer tube mounting adapter which will be available as a separate accessory in the second quarter of 2018. Unlike other stabilizing brace designs, the new Century adapter mounts directly and securely to the rear of the receiver.То есть с такой длиной ствола и таким упором-недоприкладом считается пистолетом.